Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week Four

This week in class we worked with Google Maps!! I think this website is SOOO cool. I can see though how someone can get easily frustrated, as I did while working with this program. This again is a website where you have to get familiar with how to maneuver your way through it, and then after that point it becomes much easier. As we discussed in class, Google Maps can be used in the classroom in a variety of different ways. You can use it in social studies, history, math, geography, physical education, and many many more ways! In lower elementary, I would control the website, but take ideas from the students as to what we should search. In upper elementary, depending on my class, I would possibly let them work with the website individually or in pairs.

Week Three

This week in class we began to make a movie using imovie. I have worked a bit with imovie before, so I was excited to use something I was familiar with. I had no clue that imovie had so many affects that could be added into the presentation though. I enjoyed beginning to make a movie, and I'm looking forward to continuing working on this project and having a great final movie with my group! I think this would be a great tool to use in older grades. My boyfriend made a movie in his calculus class in high school, and I think doing something like that really helps the students to remember what they are learning.

Week Two

This week we learned about photo shop and got to play around with different ways of putting pictures in photos. I was excited to actually use it because my boyfriend always does really cool things with photo shop, but I never really knew how to do anything with it. We scanned photos, found photos on the internet, and used a photo that we took ourselves. I quickly learned how to use the program and had a lot of fun doing it. This is something that can be used in my future classroom, but I think I like the idea of students drawing pictures instead and then cutting and pasting pictures into it to make their own little homemade photo shop art.

Week One

I wasn't aware that we needed to blog each week, so I am beginning to do so now!! Anywho, the first day of class I was excited to learn more about different programs that are available on the computers to mess around and have fun with, and then eventually possibly be able to use them in my classroom. The blog website we are using is extremely confusing to me, and is somewhat frustrating, but I guess I will eventually get used to it. Hopefully the rest of the computer activities are not so hard for me to understand.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Web 2.0 Game Classroom

This website was fun and easy to maneuver for the most part. I really liked how you can click on the different grades and then specify what subject you want the students to be learning about. The website was full of different games for the students to play and had different worksheets, lessons, and videos for the students. I played a few of the games and I could see how students would really enjoy them, but can also see simple ways to make the games be not through the computer, so that the students are being more physically active instead of just clicking a button on a computer. This would be a great option for students that are in computers and finish their work early. They can simply find one of these games and do it. The website worked well all around. All of the links I clicked on worked and it seemed to load everything fairly quickly. I liked how it was very interactive and talked to the students, counting out loud and repeating words or numbers that were clicked on. This website is intended for student use, but a teacher can use it to get ideas for different classroom activities from, or parents can use it at home for their students. All different age levels K-6 can use this website. There are different links for the different grades and subjects you want to teach. 

Web 2.0 Pinterest


I absolutely love Pinterest. This website is a great simple and quick way to share fantastic ideas with so many people, including people you do not even know. When I was younger I loved putting things on my bulletin board at home and showing everyone the different articles on it, and now I can do it online with a simple click of a button. It is a fast and easy way to organize different ideas ranging from classroom ideas, wedding ideas, and even cooking ideas. The website is created in a way where you scroll through the webpage and if you're interested in one of the photographs or ideas you simply click on it and can learn more about it. The website is free and is very easy to use, as well as very fast. I will definitely be using some of the ideas I have seen on Pinterest in my future classroom, whether it be through art activities, organization, or just simple decorations for the class. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bucket List

In my lifetime I want to, learn Spanish and go to Spain, I want to scuba dive in Australia, and I want to be able to travel freely without stressing about money.