This website was fun and easy to maneuver for the most
part. I really liked how you can click on the different grades and then specify
what subject you want the students to be learning about. The website was full
of different games for the students to play and had different worksheets,
lessons, and videos for the students. I played a few of the games and I could
see how students would really enjoy them, but can also see simple ways to make
the games be not through the computer, so that the students are being more
physically active instead of just clicking a button on a computer. This would
be a great option for students that are in computers and finish their work
early. They can simply find one of these games and do it. The website worked
well all around. All of the links I clicked on worked and it seemed to load
everything fairly quickly. I liked how it was very interactive and talked to
the students, counting out loud and repeating words or numbers that were
clicked on. This website is intended for student use, but a teacher can use it
to get ideas for different classroom activities from, or parents can use it at
home for their students. All different age levels K-6 can use this website.
There are different links for the different grades and subjects you want to
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